Welcome to The Distillery, an online interview series hosted by Lee Shang Lun. Each half-hour episode is a livestreamed conversation that concentrates on the subject's unique perspective and expertise. The aim is to draw out simple ideas from deep discussion.
Melissa McGlensey is an improviser, comedian and writer interested in politics and play. Melissa is a member of several Melbourne-based genre improv ensembles, including Soothplayers: Completely Improvised Shakespeare, Improvised Jane Austen and she is the director of Completely Improvised Potter. Melissa also performs regularly on a house team at The Improv Conspiracy and is an improv and sketch teacher at LMA Melbourne. When not studying, teaching or performing improv, stand-up or sketch comedy, Melissa is a freelance journalist, satirist and screenwriter, with bylines including Reductress, The Betoota Advocate, The Huffington Post, TODAY.com and more.