Welcome to The Distillery, an online interview series hosted by Lee Shang Lun. Each half-hour episode is a livestreamed conversation that concentrates on the subject's unique perspective and expertise. The aim is to draw out simple ideas from deep discussion.
Courtney Vowles is an author and PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne. After completing her Bachelor's degree in English and Media, with a double minor in Creative Writing and Language Teaching, Courtney moved from New Zealand to Australia and began working as a copywriter. During the process of co-authoring The Parents’ Survival Guide to Children, Technology & the Internet, Courtney discovered a passion for youth online safety advocacy, which led to her return to studies. Courtney’s PhD research is centred around sexting and image-based abuse, with particular emphasis on how educational materials targeted to teens and young adults reinforce victim blaming; consequently compounding harm and inhibiting help-seeking behaviours for people whose nude images are redistributed without consent.