Welcome to The Distillery, an online interview series hosted by Lee Shang Lun. Each half-hour episode is a livestreamed conversation that concentrates on the subject's unique perspective and expertise. The aim is to draw out simple ideas from deep discussion.
Claudia Riseborough is as an economics and policy consultant who works with the human services and justice sectors. She is dedicated to service system reform that improves the quality of life for people experiencing disadvantage. Her focuses include gender equality, family violence, violence against women, justice, social housing, and disability.
Claudia is passionate about feminist economics, data-informed decision making, lived-experience as expertise, intersectionality, sustainable consumption, alternate ways of measuring value, and trauma-informed practices. She is a proud lesbian, guitarist, climber, and vegetarian.
In September 2019, Claudia wrote an article called, ‘how to pay for the war on women’, which drew on the feminist economics work of Marilyn Waring to show how gender inequality improves GDP, thus highlighting that our ways of measuring economic value are outdated and irresponsible. This angered a lot of people on the Internet.