Welcome to The Distillery, an online interview series hosted by Lee Shang Lun. Each half-hour episode is a livestreamed conversation that concentrates on the subject's unique perspective and expertise. The aim is to draw out simple ideas from deep discussion.
Dr. Andreu (Andy) Roca Bajona is a young doctor in a children's ICU in Melbourne. He migrated from Barcelona to Melbourne four years ago through London. On a daily basis he confronts limit situations and has to take hard decisions. Outside of work, he lives knowing that every moment counts – and that most things are probably not that serious. He defines himself as hedonist.
Andy comes from a place in the world where there is civil unrest due to his region wanting to become independent. During his migration process he has learnt to put perspective on nationalism. He opposes populism and neo-nationalism, and believes it is time for a fresh view on self-determination.